About IManage
The International Study Association SINCE 2013
About US
Since 2013
IManage is the first International Study Association of Saxion.
IManage is the first official international study association of Saxion within the IBS academy since 2013.
IBS is one of the thirteen academies of Saxion and distinguishes itself by being an international academy. Saxion has over 20.000 students and is located in three cities: Apeldoorn, Deventer and Enschede. IBS has around 1.200 students and consists of the following studies:
International Business (Since 2018)
International Business & Languages
International Business & Management Studies
What We Do
As IManage we represent the interests of the students and teachers at the Academy of International Business Studies and create an entertaining and educational environment. We want to connect you with teachers and other students and make your studies more interesting and fun
The international Business School inside Saxion is a well known location for students from different countries. As IManage we create a strong bounding and set up an international network
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Get in touch with us for more information
Head Office
M.H. Tromplaan 28
7513 AB Enschede
Handelskade 75
7417 DH Deventer